This stuff smells OH-SO yummy! Like I want to eat it!
Definitely VANILLA in it, plus some sort of oriental floral notes. Maybe, orchid?
[Yes, I know I can look up the ingredients, but I'd much rather call it by nose (=]
If you liked Escada Magnetism, definiately check this out! Also, if you are fans of Burberry Brit, Aqualina Pink Sugar, Hanae Mori, stuff like that...smell this stuff!
Plus, the bottle is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!
FINALLLYYYY, Escada started designing other bottles. I was getting sick of their classic/seasonal 'heart' bottles.
That is such a cute bottle! Dammit, I'm gonna have to go smell it =P.
Thank you! Hahaha. I'm not as skinny as I look =P hehe.
Hahaha thank you! =)
Then go shopping! I like to reward myself after a long week, lots of studying, or just being good =P hahha
hey u...... didnt u go to baldwin n SGHS? Cindy? if so, i remember u from baldwin as a new student in 3rd grade but u didnt remember me in high skoo hehehe small world! xoxo
OOH! I was actually looking for a new pefume! I gotta smell this now!
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