Friday - Bored at work.
I've never really taken pictures of this is my first attempt!!
F21 checkered scarf (YAY! it was chilly enough to wear
F21 top with crocheted back
Black Hudsons (probably my
favorite pair!)
Teal Urban Outfitters sandals
Saturday -
DAANNNGGG! That's horrible picturing taking, OH WELL!
Old Navy scarf (one of my favs!)
Nordstrom tan wrap cardigan (I can't believe I've had that for over...7 years! I
love wraps!)
AE striped tank
Citizens straight jeans
Target gold goddess sandles (I love these so much, that I found a few of them on eBay so now I have about 5 backups =X)
Makeup Question:Anyone out there allergic to Mica? I'm not sure if I am,but EDM seem to not be working with me, and their
first ingredient is Mica. But, BE has been working or me for over 5 years, which contains Mica but isn't one of their first ingredients, therefore there probably isn't TOO much of it. *shrugs* If you are allergic, any mineral foundation out there that works for you??