I am a total TV-HOLIC. My list of shows that I am addicted to is endless. So far, the Season Premieres were good.
First, my most anticipated and totally addicting...
Now, Mondays 9pm Fox
GOSSIP GIRL I liked the first season, but the season finale wasn't that great to me. So, I didn't really anticipate this second season. It was okay. I still watch it because of the fashion. I love Blair's character and outfits! Totally unaffordable for me, but a girl can dream =]
Now, Mondays 8pm CW
the old
I didn't really wanna watch it or was a super big fan, but it was on, so I decided to catch it and see how it is. It's ALRIGHT; alot better than I thought it would be. Lots of drama and relationship circles. The actors are okay. None are my fav yet.
Now, Tuesdays 8pm CW
More to come! House, 24, Samantha Who?...and more.
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