A little overboard on chapstick purchasing =X

C.O. Bigelow Metha Lip Shine (Bath & Body Works)
●●●●●/5Tinted and clear, I
love them all. The tinted ones are super sheer, so it's almost clear. I'm not sure about the darker colors because I don't own any of them. Anyways, BEST LIPGLOSS EVER. Try them!!!! They are slightly sticky but has that mentha taste and feel so it tingles your lips and super glossy. GREAT!
C.O. Bigelow Lip Formula SPF 15
●●●●●/5This doesn't have the Metha feel/taste, but its still good! Something different. Almond taste/flavor. Super glossy.
C.O. Bigelow Metha Lip Buffer (Bath & Body Works)
●●●●○/5My first lip scrub/buffer to get rid of dead skin on your lips causing dry lips. So far I'm not sure it is working, but it sure does feel good. I need to use it a few more times before I give it a 5.
Chap Stick Medicated
●○○○○/5It was $0.99. It's OKAY. Not great. I wouldn't buy it again.
Carmex Mint Click Stick SPF 30
○○○○○/5No like. Period. Doesn't do anything for my lips.
Blistex Lip Infusion Smoothing Splash Medicated
○○○○○/5SUCKS! It is weird. It comes out from a ball and it is liquid. So, no doesn't do anything for my dry lips.
Blistex Lip Medex (Blue Jar)
●●●●●/5I've been using this for many years. It stinks so not everyone likes it, but it doesn't bother me. It is a jar so you gotta use your fingers. But, this works for the most part, and I always have a back up =]
Blistex Medicated Mint SPF 15 (Green Tube)
●●○○○/5I like the mint, but it is okay. Inexpensive and kind of works. Plus, it has sunscreen! Your standard chapstick.
Nivea A Kiss of Moisture Essential Lip Care
●●●●○/5I just bought this from Ulta. It is OKAY. It reminds me of Blistex Complete Moisture. I think it is good at keeping your lips mositurized, but it doesn't help heal chapped lips. It is a lipstick type casing, so you pull off the top and turn it up/down. For almost $3, I'd rather buy Blistex. I might try the baby blue case one with SPF next time, but I wouldn't buy this one again.
Still on the search for a *
GREAT* chapstick!